However, “Preparing Plugins…” continues to fail for other desktop targets. A debug run to a Linux guest failed with the same message.įor a more conventional project (without a Worker), things got a little better in that I could build a universal binary. Added shared cache mode options SERVER: Added zipfs sqlite support. On other desktop platforms, compiling plugins just fails. XOJO PLUGIN: Added support for Xojo API 2.0 C SDK: Updated SDK. We do not store clear text passwords in our database. On Mac, “Preparing plugins…” fails, with this message, when compiling plugins for the Worker (i.e, for the console framework.) This means that all I can do is run the project in the Mac IDE, where the Worker is just simulated by threads. Plugin for Xojo & Real Studio Plugin for FileMaker Contact Disclaimer. The project that I was building uses a Worker. There is no difference, but I have a little more detail. Each value can be a string, number, JSON object, JSON array, true, false, or null. The deletion was in case a simple overwrite would leave some old crud behind (this has happened a time or two in years past.) I did this again, this time deleting the cache as you said. Represents a JSON object, which contains an unordered set of name/value pairs. Prior to reporting this, I had quit Xojo, deleted the MBS plugins and reinstalled from scratch. But could you quit Xojo, clear caches and try again?